N. Dolgaia, N. Mungieva
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.5.28
Natalia A. Dolgaia – Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, Department of pedagogy and technologies of preschool and additional education, Dagestan state pedagogical University, Makhachkala, Russian Federation, E-mail: bars19832006@rambler.ru
Nina Z. Mungieva – Candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor, Department of pedagogy and technologies of preschool and additional education, Dagestan state pedagogical University, Makhachkala, Russian Federation, E-mail: georgia1972@mail.ru
Abstract. The article highlights the issue of formation of educational motivation in children in the system of additional education, its identification and further implementation in the modern educational process. It is noted that the educational environment of the institution of additional education of children as a space is designed to meet the diverse needs and interests of children in learning and communication, to create conditions favorable for self-determination and self-realization of the individual, to develop children’s individuality. The main motives of training in these educational institutions are – gaining knowledge, development, self-improvement, etc. additional can be receiving awards, self-affirmation, isolation among other students, etc.the characteristic of cognitive and social motives of teaching, especially their manifestations in the educational process of institutions of additional education. The main principles of training are voluntariness and openness. The main reasons of decrease of motivation at children after the first months of training are defined, ways of their elimination are planned. The pedagogical methods promoting formation and increase of interest of children in study among which a method “Didactic games”, a method “a situation of success”, a method “Competitions”, a method “Projects”, a method “Creation of a problem situation”are allocated. It is noted that only a competent choice of methods, their reasonable combination, taking into account the methodological features of the use will be able to contribute to the formation of educational motivation in children. The article highlights the phase of formation of the learning motive in children in institutions of additional education: phase achievements, the challenge of motive, the phase of the amplification motives, the phase of the reinforcements and strengthening which arose the motivation phase of the positive experience with the motivation for further development.
Keywords: additional education, motivation, teaching, children, interest, game.
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For citation:
Dolgaia N.A., Mungieva N.Z. Motivation of children’s education in the system of additional education. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 316-323. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.019.5.28