ISSN 2409-7616

M. Dmitrieva, G. Yurkovskaya, Y. Erygin



Marina L. Dmitrieva – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Chamber of organization and management of high-tech industries, Engineering and Economics Institute, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federationб, E-mail:

Galina I. Yurkovskaya – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Chamber of organization and management of high-tech industries, Engineering and Economics Institute, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federationб E-mail:

Yuri V. Erygin – Doctor of Economics, Professor of Chamber of Finance and Credit, Engineering and Economic Institute, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. The article outlines the issues of assessing the level of scientific and technological development of the region, as the basis of scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the country. The relevance of the research topic is due to the need to improve the tools of strategic planning and managerial decision-making at the regional level in accordance with the requirements outlined in the “Strategy for scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation”, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The authors conducted a comprehensive critical analysis of existing approaches to assessing various aspects and directions of innovative development at the international, national and regional levels. The analyzed methods differ in the object, subject and objectives of the assessment and, often, do not allow to identify problem areas of innovative, scientific and technological development of the territory. Based on the assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed approaches, as well as taking into account the stated objectives of the assessment, an author’s conceptual approach to assessing the level of scientific and technological development of the region is proposed. In the framework of the proposed concept, on the basis of the existing definition of scientific and technological development, which shows its difference from innovative development, the author gives an interpretation of the concept of “level of scientific and technological development”, the goals of its assessment are identified, methodological provisions for assessing the level of scientific and technological development of the region are formulated. A feature of the conceptual approach is the decomposition of assessment indicators by types of economic activity carried out by economic entities of the region, which will determine the contribution of each type of activity to the development of the region. Such an approach will allow not only to assess the level of scientific and technological development of the region, but may also become the basis for determining the priorities of its scientific and technological development, consistent with the priorities and goals of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: scientific and technological development, level of scientific and technological development, scientific and technological potential, conditions for using scientific and technological potential, effectiveness of using scientific and technological potential, conceptual approach.



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For citation:

Dmitrieva M. I., Yurkovskaya G.I., Erygin Y.V.  Scientific and technological development of the region: analysis of approaches, concept and system of assessment indicators. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 252-261. DOI: