I. Shapovalova
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.5.15
Irina A. Shapovalova – Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Humanities Institute of traditional applied arts, Moscow branch of the Higher school of folk arts (Academy)”, Moscow, Russian Federation, E-mail: ia.shapovalova51@yandex.ru
Abstract. This study is analytical in nature. The article discusses issues related to the problems of interaction and creative cooperation of subjects of the educational process, as the conditions for the formation of a higher school of folk arts (academy). An aspect analysis of the history of the creation and establishment of the Higher School of Folk Arts (Academy), focused on the training of qualified professionals in the direction of “traditional applied art and folk crafts”, is presented. The conditions for the sustainable development of educational, professional, research activities of the subjects of the educational process are determined. The estimated characteristics of the dissertation research of teachers of the Institute of Traditional Applied Arts (Moscow branch of the Academy) representing the scientific school of academician of the Russian Academy of Education V.F. Maksimovich, resource-significant for the sustainable development of the university, support for Russian traditional applied art. The author, analyzing the sociocultural processes and trends observed in Russia since the beginning of the 90s, notes the validity of the conclusions and agrees with them that, at the turn of the century, globalization created a precedent for returning a person’s interest in “his roots”, to the depths of historical memory. Modern youth shows significant interest in the past of their country, recognition of many meanings and values of past experience, in particular the work of parents and grandparents, the semantic significance of the traditional way of life of their people. The main reasons for such changes are indicated: a sense of the risks of large-scale leveling of a sense of belonging to one’s ethnic group, nation, state in the context of globalization; awareness of the danger of losing their national culture, history, language of their people.
Keywords: historical memory, aesthetic tastes of the people, traditional applied art and folk crafts, creative heritage, intellectual giftedness, emotional responsiveness, continuing education, Russian folk art, dissertation research, scientific school.
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For citation:
Shapovalova I.A. Interaction and creative cooperation of subjects of educational process as a condition of formation of the Higher school of folk arts (academy): history and prospects of development. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 168-174. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2097616.2019.5.15