ISSN 2409-7616

T. Antonova



Tatiana V. Antonova – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of English Language Theory and Translation Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Bryansk State University Named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky, Bryansk, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. The task of developing logical thinking is the most important aspect for a student from university or other colleges. To fulfil this task a tutor has to contribute to the following: to improve the formal apparatus of thinking, to develop both operational and creative potential in solving problems, to manifest impartiality in critical individual and group thinking. The ability to identify the ways of solving problems and to look for non-standard solutions requires a high level of performing the operations of analysis, synthesis, concretization, abstraction and generalization. Moreover, the ability to make views and conclusions consistently and reasonably helps students to socialize in modern society. However, a number of studies reveal the level of students’ logical thinking process as insufficient. Some students are uncertain about the basic logical methods of forming concepts. The article defines the elements of the work with the definitions of concepts using a text-arranging method, which is applied to a number of educational and scientific texts. Besides, we have made an effort to assess its effectiveness in the educational process at the university based on the method of pedagogical experiment. Apart from this, the technique of developing training has been worked out alongside with the potential opportunities for students’ intellectual activity that have been defined too. These new methods of working on the textual elements of an educational text contribute to studying the content and structure of the basic theoretical concepts and increasing the level of mental operations development. The work allows us to put forward and clarify the idea of logical thinking mechanisms, which is considered in national psychological and pedagogical studies. The work proves the arguments for arranging educational texts in a special way, and several sections pattern the contents of students’ educational activity on this technique. To add to all, the article offers some teaching materials that give instructions on how to perform the tasks. Finally, the results of the pedagogical experiment, which appear to be positive, are highlighted in the article.

Keywords: logical thinking, the definitions of concepts, a text theory, the arrangement of informative message, a text-arranging method, the method of pedagogical experiment.



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For citation:

Antonova T. V. Textual arrangement of an informative message in shaping students’ logical thinking process. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 129-143. DOI: