ISSN 2409-7616

V. Salikov, E. Miklashevich



Vladimir V. Salikov – Senior teacher, Department of physical education and sports Belarusian state University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, SPIN-code: 4485-3835, E-mail:

Ekaterina Y. Miklashevich – Teacher Sports technology Department Belarusian national technical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, E-mail:

Abstract. The paper reflects the relationship of improving the personal qualities of volleyball athletes with the physical quality of endurance. The influence of these qualities on the effectiveness of training is considered. The basic and leading personality for the development of endurance in this sport. Dynamics of development of endurance (high-speed, jumping) is investigated at use of an experimental technique. The efficiency of the experimental technique taking into account personal qualities for the development of endurance (speed, jumping) in volleyball players is established. The data of author’s research in the framework of educational experiment on improving the endurance, given the personal qualities of the athletes. The obtained results are intended for improvement of educational and methodical material, program and normative documentation for General and special physical training for development of endurance of volleyball players.

Keywords: volleyball, personal qualities, personality, endurance.



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For citation:

Salikov V.V.,  Miklashevich E. Y. Personal qualities in the development of endurance volleyball. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 319-326. DOI: