ISSN 2409-7616

A. Lopukha, Y. Polyakov



Alexander D. Lopukha – Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, professor of the tactics department of the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, SPIN-code: 1992-5280, E-mail:

Yevgeny A. Polyakov – Senior teacher of the tactics department of the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, E-mail:

Abstract. The article examines the organization of the military-vocational orientation of servicemen called for by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the development of their personnel potential. Its originality determined by the complexity and characteristics of the military professional activity. Military professional orientation is considered from the position of the activity approach, it includes a system of complex resource-intensive and long-term pedagogical processes. It not only contributes to the professional choice, but also contributes to the professional self-determination of the serviceman, provides the beginning of continuous professional self-education. The authors believe that vocational guidance is the beginning of continuing professional education, continuing throughout the career path. After professional choice, professional orientation ensures the integration of a person into the profession, professional environment and relationships, supports the choice, or, on the contrary, refutes it. Its new tasks that arise already in vocational education or in professional activity are related to professional adaptation, development of strategies and ways of a professional career, strengthening of professional motivation and professional self-awareness. In the system of military professional orientation, a military professional orientation of the individual of the military man is formed.

Keywords: professional orientation, military personnel, professional orientation, self-determination, personnel development.



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For citation:

Lopukha A.D., Polyakov Y.A. Ways of formation of military and professional orientation of military serviciates of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 342-354. DOI: