ISSN 2409-7616

N. Bondarenko, T. Maksimova



Nataliya E. Bondarenko – Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of economic theory, Plekhanov Russian University of Economic, Moscow, Russian Federation, SPIN code: 5689-0101, ORCID: 0000-0002-9301-8642, E-mail:

Tatyana P. Maksimova – Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of economic theory, Plekhanov Russian University of Economic, Moscow, Russian Federation, SPIN code: 8289-7692, ORCID: 0000-0003-3536-9062, E-mail:

Abstract. Today, the agro-industrial complex is one of the priority areas for the development of the Russian economy. Being a system-forming industry in the country’s economy and the social life of society, it is distinguished by the size of its material and technical base, the scale and breadth of the distribution of production, and the number of employees. The purpose of the study: to determine the place of agro-industrial clusters in the system of digitalization of the economic system of the Russian Federation, to identify the role of the agro-industrial complex in solving the strategic tasks set by the country’s leadership. Research methods: the authors conducted a large study of foreign and domestic scientific papers on institutional and cluster analysis, as well as the principles of localization and regionalization of the agricultural sector of the economy. The results of the study: the article emphasizes the need to improve the efficiency of domestic agriculture through the introduction of digital technologies and the formation of a single information space in the framework of agro-industrial clusters aimed at improving the country’s competitiveness, improvement of investment attractiveness of regions, strengthening the country’s food security. In conclusion, the authors found that agro-industrial clusters are the most effective form of interaction of economic entities in the Russian agricultural sector by creating a synergistic effect through the interaction of three institutional sectors-science, business and government. The main directions and forms of interaction of subjects of agriculture, taking into account the State program of development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020, and also the Forecast of scientific and technological development of agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation till 2030 are offered.

Keywords: agro-industrial complex, agro-industrial clusters, integration of economic entities, import substitution, digital economy.



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For citation:

Bondarenko N.E.,  Maksimova T.P. The place of agro-industrial clusters in the system of digitalization of the Russian economy. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 451-458. DOI: