I. Shindrjaeva, T. Ovsyannikova, S. Shindrjaev
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.4.20
Irina V. Shindrjaeva – Candidate of sociology, associate Professor of corporate governance Department, Volgograd Institute of management – branch of the Ranepa under the RF President, Volgograd, Russian Federation, SPIN-код: 5110-1881, E-mail: i.shindryaeva@yandex.ru
Tatiana V. Ovsyannikova – Candidate of sociology, associate Professor of library and information activities SEBI HE «The Volgograd State Institute of Arts and Culture», Volgograd, Russian Federation, E-mail: ovstvl@mail.ru
Sergei O. Shindrjaev – Postgraduate, Volgograd Institute of management – branch of the Ranepa under the RF President, Volgograd, Russian Federation, SPIN-код: 4858-3258, E-mail: irina_sergei94@mail.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of image – forming characteristics of a higher school teacher and their influence on the process of partnership with students. The effectiveness of this process is largely due to the willingness of students to absorb information from the teacher. This perception is more regulated by the image of the teacher, which was formed in the minds of students. Taking into account that the image is that representation which the teacher creates independently and which is its external reflection, an indicator of its professional and personal qualities, the problem of studying of image of the teacher of higher education institution gains the increasing value. This, in turn, determined the growth of research interest in this problem. The article presents the results of empirical research conducted with students of Volgograd universities (Volgograd state medical University, Volgograd Institute of management, Volgograd state socio-pedagogical University, Volgograd state Institute of arts and culture). The purpose of the study is to determine the image – forming characteristics of the University teacher, which are of paramount importance for students. Diagnostic methods included: analysis of scientific publications and pilot study using the method of free judgment (essay) “the Ideal image of a high school teacher.” The presented results demonstrate the content of the image of the teacher of higher education in the views of students. Ignorance of these characteristics in the educational process brings difficulties in finding a contact, the decision of pedagogical problems a teacher of high school, etc. comparative analysis of the perceptions of students about the way the real and the ideal teacher of the University. According to the results of the study, recommendations on the actualization of the formation of image competence of the University teacher are given.
Keywords: image of the teacher, professional image, types of image, requirements of students, educational process.
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For citation:
Shindrjaeva I.V., Ovsyannikova T.V., Shindrjaev S.O. Image-forming characteristics of a higher school teacher in the context of educational interaction: analysis of the results of empirical research. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 195-203. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.4.20