ISSN 2409-7616

O. Cherednichenko



Oleg V. Cherednichenko – Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor of economic theory, Plekhanov Russian University of Economic, Moscow, Russian Federation, SPIN code: 6501-2200, E-mail:

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the quality of higher education received in Russia in the context of the impossibility, in most cases, of graduates working in Companies without additional training courses in the relevant “captive” Universities/specialized Departments/divisions. The purpose of the study is to identify the current problems of training high – quality professionals in demand in the labor market. The main objectives of the study – to characterize the “captive” Universities, to consider the problem of duplication of functions between the “classical” Universities and Corporate training units. In conclusion, the author gave suggestions for optimizing the learning process when synchronizing the activities of” classical ” and corporate training structures.

Keywords: «affiliated» University, educational process’s transformation, national project, applied competencies, function’s  optimization.



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For citation:

Cherednichenko O.V. Optimum training: high school vs affiliated universities. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 204-214. DOI: