ISSN 2409-7616

T. Tukacheva



Tatyana P. Tukacheva – Post-graduate student of Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, senior assistant to the head of the editorial and publishing group Perm military Institute of National Guard Troops, Perm, Russian Federation, SPIN-code: 1513-7181, E-mail:

Abstract. In the rapidly changing conditions of modern society, a person becomes in demand, able to respond quickly to changing conditions and use effective strategies of behavior aimed at resolving a difficult situation, which makes special demands on personal resources . The article presents the main results of a retrospective and phenomenological analysis of the concept of “coping behavior”, conducted in the framework of a scientific study on the formation of coping behavior of cadets of military educational organizations. Analysis of the historical development of the studied phenomenon has led to the conclusion that the Genesis of the problem of formation of coping behaviors, including students, should begin in 1917, but This key point is determined by the following arguments: 1) world war and later the October revolution fully changed the political system in Russia; 2) the change in the ideology and political line led to the birth of the Soviet pedagogy, and later – the Soviet military pedagogy; 3) from this period, new approaches to military education and the system of state military vocational education are laid.

Keywords: coping behavior, coping strategies, stress, emotional reaction, coping with stress, stress resistance, ways to overcome stress.



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For citation:

Tukacheva T.P. The history of the development of the concept of «coping behavior» in modern science. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 80-86. DOI: