S. Grebenkina
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.4.12
Svetlana A. Grebenkina – Lecturer of the Department «Risk analysis and economic security», Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, SPIN-код: 2488-9860, E-mail: s.greb@list.ru
Abstract. In modern conditions of development the problem of sustainable development of territories is given special attention. At the same time, the priority is shifted towards depressed regional systems as the most vulnerable. The effectiveness of the measures developed in their address is directly determined by the adequacy of the applied instrumental and methodical apparatus. Currently, there is a lack of a mechanism for assessing sustainable development and a set of indicators at the regional level. Approved by various regulatory legal acts of the indicators reflected the development of separate spheres of the territory, preventing a comprehensive evaluation. The aim of the work is to determine the essence of depressed regions and the formation of a mechanism for assessing sustainable development on the basis of the proposed set of indicators. The study identified the main criteria of regional depression, as well as indicators characterizing the internal potential of the territory, on the basis of which, using the methods of scoring and ranking, the author proposed a new regional classification that allows to distinguish different types of depressed regions. The identification of groups of territories with similar characteristics contributes to the substantiation of regional policy priorities. Considering the region as a complex socio-economic system, the article presents a set of indicators and a mechanism for assessing the sustainable development of a depressed region, taking into account its specificity, which is a three-level evaluation system based on the method of point deviations: assessment of the overall level (dynamic stability), normative-criterion assessment and additional level. The methodological basis of the assessment proposed as a result of the study will allow continuous monitoring of the development of the depressed region, determine the priority of measures to support the territory, improving the efficiency of the developed solutions and the allocation of resources in conditions of their limitation.
Keywords: region, classification, depressive region, assessment, sustainable development.
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For citation:
Grebenkina S.A. Depressed region: the concept and evaluation mechanism of sustainable development. CITISE, 2019, no. 4, pp. 108-119. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/24097616.2019.4.12