A. Abibulaeva, L. Mardakhaev, A. Kuatov
Ayzhan B. Abibulaeva – Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov (Kazakhstan, Astana), E-mail: Abibulayeva_AB@enu.kz
Lev V. Mardakhaev – Doctor of Education, Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and youth work organizations Russian State Social University, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation (Russia, Moscow), E-mail:mantissa-m@mail.ru
Azat K. Kuatov – PhD student of the Department of Social Pedagogy and self-knowledge of the Eurasian national University named L.N. Gumilyov (Kazakhstan, Astana), E-mail: kuatovak@gmail.com
Abstract. The article reveals the materials of the study of the time perspective, as one of the factors significantly influencing the re-socialization of convicts in the penitentiary institution. The concept of re-socialization, including the re-socialization of convicts in penitentiary institutions, as a natural natural process of social change, due to the needs of the new living environment (the situation of execution of punishment) is disclosed. The spheres that characterize the resocialization of the convict are identified: consciousness, internal culture, correspondence to social status, emotional well-being, experience of everyday self-manifestation. The influence of the temporal perspective on the development of the penitentiary system at stages of: adaptation; waiting for the expiration of the sentence; preparation for release from the penitentiary; and post-penitentiary adaptation. The ostentatious (demonstration) and real resocialized were identified and characterized. The necessity of emphasizing the orientation of the resocialization of the convict is revealed: constructive and destructive. A description is given to them, the necessity of accounting in the post-penitentiary period is shown, as well as the importance of the socio-pedagogical support for the adaptation of the released person.
Keywords: penitentiary institution, socialization, resocialization, resocialization, ostentatious resocialization, constructive resocialization, destructive resocialization.
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