ISSN 2409-7616

I. Сhernogor


Irena A. СhernogorLecturer, Department of Economic Theory and Financial Law (Russia, Omsk), E-mail:

Abstract. Import substitution is presented as a factor that plays the role of a catalyst for the accelerated development of various sectors of the economy, as well as improving food security.  One of the most sensitive to sanctions spheres of the economy, of course, is its agro-industrial complex and, as a result, the food security of the state as a whole.  Development of imposting in Russia is necessary in the context of the implementation of real import substitution.  The scientific novelty of the research is the development of a mechanism to optimize Russia’s food security.  This technique can be integrated into Western countries.  The future of food security in Russia is the use of domestically produced products competing with foreign counterparts, and eventually replacing them.  As a result, agricultural products should become export-oriented.

Keywords. Food security, import substitution, export-oriented products, threat to economic security, national security, optimization mechanism (model), import, export, sanctions, agriculture, import substitution models.



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