L. Starovoytova, E. Arishina
Larisa I. Starovoytova – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Social Work Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow), SPIN code: 3221-4813; ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8660-4101, E-mail: starovojtova@list.ru
Elina S. Arishina – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of FSBEI HE “Bashkir State Pedagogical University them. M. Akmullah (Russia, Ufa), ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7995-3792; SPIN code: 4319-0747, E-mail: arishina-elina@mail.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the psychological readiness of students of a modern high school to professional activity, identifying the features of this process. On the example of conducting educational and extracurricular educational work of a higher educational institution, the authors reveal the developed methodology for the formation of the psychological readiness of students of a social university for professional activity. The stated problem is considered in the context of conducting such disciplines as “The Psychology of Business Relationships”, “Theory and Practice of Social Interaction” and the possibilities of organizing extracurricular activities of students of a social university in the framework of the social and educational work of the faculty, followed by the application of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various types of professional activities. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the methodology for the formation of students’ psychological readiness for professional activity. This technique performs a number of important functions, including adaptation, training, education, developmental and diagnostic. The essence of the peculiarities of the process is that in the process of teaching students in a social university, not only the significance and prospects of future professional activities are revealed, but students are immersed in professional situations by solving professional problems, as well as the development of qualities that contribute to teamwork, forming psychological readiness for work in the social sphere in any conditions, the ability to be creative in solving professional tasks, to seek solutions and to achieve some results.
Keywords: psychological readiness for professional activities, methods of the educational process, social and educational activities, cultural norms of self-awareness in the outside world, professional values, professional culture, functions of the method of forming students’ psychological readiness for professional activities.
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