ISSN 2409-7616

V. Osipov


Vladimir S. Osipov – Doctor in Economics, Professor MGIMO University of Russia (Russia, Moscow), RSCI SPIN-code: 9357-6409 / ORCID 0000-0003-3109-4786 / SCOPUS 55974586900 / Researcher ID A-8098-2013, E-mail: vs.ossipov

Abstract. Risk management in agriculture in Spain is implemented within the framework of the European agricultural policy. The main risks associated with the policy in Spain are implemented within the EU. Agricultural policy. The Spanish risk management system is dominated by public insurance: the combination of private and public in ensuring the stability of the insurance market. The review of the state measures on management of agrarian risks is given. The main problems and successes of formation of the insurance market, which include the reduction of information asymmetry as a factor in the development of the insurance market, the creation of a hybrid insurance system as a way of leveling catastrophic risks. The possible political consequences of the policy of insurance. The main conclusion can be attributed to the special role played by the mechanism of information exchange to improve the efficiency of the market in order to prevent information asymmetry and reduce transaction costs.

Keywords: agricultural insurance, public administration, risk management, market efficiency, political consequences.



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