T. Dmitrieva
Tatjana M. Dmitrieva – Director of MAUDO Children and Youth Centre “Na Komsomolskoj”, Kaliningrad Honorary worker of general education in the Russian Federation (Russia, Kaliningrad), RINS SPIN-code: 2194-2842, E-mail: tatjanadmitrieva@ro.ru
Abstract. This article looks at the modern approaches of the development of staff members of an organisation of supplementary children education in the context of competitive environment and determines the role of the staff members in a modern educational organisation. It is pointed out that the management of the educational organisation plays a key role in the development of staff members. The article lists main trends in the development of the staff members in an educational organisation. The article presents a research conducted in the MAUDO child and youth center “Na Komsomolskoj”, Kaliningrad, which determines the satisfaction level of staff members with their work. It was determined that the first necessary step for the development of staff members was improvement of the relationship between colleagues and administration. In order to develop successfully, staff members have: to objectively evaluate the resources and problems; to have goals for a relatively short period of time (for example a year); to develop a long term action plan for the next three to five year and the concept of the development of the pedagogical team. Presence of young staff members is an obligatory criterion for a group of staff members that wants to develop. However young staff members have to be attracted. Taking into consideration that the financial part in this working area is not very optimistic, it is necessary to provide the youth a possibility to realise their creative ideas. The research concludes that the development targets have to be set both for the individual staff members and the educational organisation as a whole.
Keywords: staff members, pedagogical team, educational organisation, supplementary education, professionalism, development, competitiveness, competition.
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