E. Charochkina, I. Androsova, O. Sogacheva,
Ekaterina Y. Charochkina – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Regional and Economics, South-West State University (Russia, Kursk), RISC SPIN-код: 9722-3862, E-mail: kati-ivolga@mail.ru
Irina V. Androsova – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Regional and Economics, South-West State University (Russia, Kursk), RISC SPIN-код: 5052-3538, E-mail: androsova.irina@rambler.ru
Olga V. Sogacheva – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Regional and Economics, South-West State University (Russia, Kursk), RISC SPIN-код: 6831-4696, E-mail: sogachova@mail.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the nature and characteristics of the formation of human capital in an unstable economic and political situation. The role of human and human capital in the socio-economic development of society, especially the conditions of the formation of the human resources market in modern conditions are considered. The formation and development of human capital is necessary to overcome such weaknesses in society as economic and business passivity. It was revealed that along with the formation of a competitive market for human capital, they also have failures that cause serious damage to the economy and social development of society, the state of industries, regions and enterprises, their progress and overcoming. Traditionally, the market is not interested in creating public goods, eliminating external effects and establishing a fair distribution of income, this justifies the need for state regulation. The authors attributed the structure of human capital to the “lagging” type due to the interdependence of demand in resource and commodity markets. Practical experience shows that government regulation of the human resources market is not only effective, but it can also have failures, the main reasons for which lie in the difficulty of coordinating the interests of social groups of the population and society as a whole. The necessity of solving the problems of regulation of market and state failures is substantiated, their forms are highlighted, an economic mechanism for regulating market and state market failures on capital markets is proposed, the distinctive features of which are coordination through free competition and public regulation. The authors propose to call modern economy a system of state-market partnership, since this definition reflects not only market and government regulation, their achievements, but also failures and their synthesis.
Keywords: human capital; the economic growth; economy; person; work force; society; market failures; market partnership.
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