E. Avdeeva, E. Avdeeva,
Elena A. Avdeeva – Candidate of Sciences in Economics, docent Voronezh State Technical University (Russia, Voronezh), E-mail: irina.v.borisova@mail.ru
Aleksandra A. Borisova – Bachelor, Voronezh State Technical University (Russia, Voronezh), E-mail: irina.v.borisova@mail.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the current situation in the Russian FMCG retail market. The data of monitoring and analysis of industry and General economic events in Russia and the world, leading analytical agencies are analyzed. Own researches of the main drivers of sales and generators of a traffic in the Russian retail on the basis of primary sources of information are carried out. It is concluded that at the present time, the potential for increasing sales through increased industrial pressure is almost exhausted. Achieving sustainable growth and profitability of companies is possible only through the formation of a base of regular customers. In this connection, customer loyalty becomes one of the main criteria for business success.
Keywords: retail, loyalty program, intellectual analysis, consumer profile, personalization.
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