L. Bykasova, V. Podberezny, S. Petrushenko, E. Pershonkova, I. Terskich,
Larisa V. Bykasova – Doctor of Education, Professor of Rostov State Economic University (Russia, Rostov-on-Don), SPIN code: 2544-6452 / ORCID: 0000-0003-4866-1222, E-mail: moeve-25-moeve@yandex.ru
Vladimir V. Podberezny – Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Rostov State Economic University (Russia, Rostov-on-Don), SPIN-code: 3736-0735 / ORCID: 0000-0002-1590-1931,E-mail: podberes@mail.ru
Svetlana A. Petrushenko – Candidate of philosophy, associate Professor of Rostov State Economic University (Russia, Rostov-on-Don), SPIN-code: 4600-8740, E-mail: petrsvet@mail.ru
Elena A. Pershonkova – Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of Rostov State Economic University (Russia, Rostov-on-Don), SPIN-code: 9325-6224 / ORCID: 0000-0001-6185-6919, E-mail: vallyasha@yandex
Irina A. Terskich – Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor of Rostov State Economic University (Russia, Rostov-on-Don), SPIN-code: 6954-8320, E-mail: iaters@mail.ru
Abstract. From the axiological and activity approaches position, the article introduces the features of the pedagogical elite formation through the cultural codes, which are responsible for the modern competitive personality education, generating its composite identity in the new didactic plane, contributiong to the development of the subject’s cognitive flexibility in the educational ecosystem and to the deployment of one’s leadership abilities in coping with the modernity systemic challenges. The choice of the given research thematic field is determined by the necessity for the reflection on the pedagogical education state in the Russian Federation as the mechanism for the disciplinary matrix design that serves as the basis for the elite training and education that caters to the needs of modern society, economics and social sphere. The authors turn to the modern education new paradigm as a platform for the individual’s socio-cultural development, forming on the basis of pedagogical models and technologies, methodological principles, didactic methods, educational ideas designed by the modern pedagogical science and practice. The pedagogical elite is aimed to actualize the education practice-oriented nature; to identify the mechanisms for the modern education diversification and modernization; to evaluate the measure of the educational organizations responsibility for the results and quality of the subject’s education; to expand the range of the trainees’ education, taking into account the involvement of the best domestic and foreign pedagogical samples and models of education.
Keywords: pedagogical elite, strategic audit, epistemic potential, methodological optics, intellectual systems management.
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