D. Astanin
Dmitry M. Astanin – Senior lecturer Subdepartment of architectural environment design Cherepovets State University (Russia, Cherepovets), SPIN code: 5969-0840, E-mail: montenegro.astanin@mail.ru
Abstract. The historical analysis of the formation of environmental trends in science, literature and philosophy in the context of the theory of multilevel development of environmental systems (religion, state, science, society, international law). Eastern scientific and philosophical thought of the middle ages and the ancient world had an advantage over the Western due to the predominance of the natural component. The formation of the term “ecology” refers to the middle of the 19th century. It was connected with the end of the era of great geographical discoveries. However, ecology in the 19th century was purely practical, aimed at preserving nature in order to classify reserves for future consumption. Humanitarian and philosophical understanding of environmental problems and aggressively-consumer society should be put on the Russian and Indian culture in the person of Ln. Tolstoy and M. Gandhi, who proposed the synthesis of Russian, Western and Eastern thought as a means of prevention environmental disaster. Approbation of the problem of developing a universal the international methodological apparatus is the dissociation of scientific and philosophical thought: the history of mankind develops according to the cyclic model-the medieval West was poorly acquainted with Arab science, just as today – the West is practically not familiar with the theory of the noosphere, which is currently not completed.
Keywords: environmental system, environmental ethics, environmental humanism, ecology, biocentrism.
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