ISSN 2409-7616

A. Sarychev


Alexander S. Sarychev – doctor of medical Sciences, professor, professor of hygiene and medical ecology, Northern state medical University (Russia, Arkhangelsk), SPIN-code: 5539-1073, E-mail:

Abstract. Currently, there is an intensive development of high technologies in all spheres of life. Medical science has achieved significant development, which led to the development and creation of high-quality modern hearing AIDS, both domestic and foreign production. There is no doubt that this has had a significant impact on the success of teaching oral speech to children with hearing impairment – hearing impaired and deaf. In recent decades, a new direction of rehabilitation of patients with severe forms of deafness and hearing loss – cochlear implantation-has become widespread in domestic medicine. Deaf implanted children are a special group of persons with hearing impairment who need complex psychological, pedagogical and medical care. Educational and health care institutions have been given the task mainly of early diagnosis of hearing disorders, as well as the timely start of corrective measures to eliminate them. The author believes that the organization of teaching children with cochlear implants should be built on the basis of two rules: first, it is necessary to ensure that the child is in a normal speech environment, and second, systematic qualified corrective assistance should be provided. Last-generation cochlear implants provide a deaf or hearing-impaired child with the ability to perceive all the sounds of speech and even quiet speech, which makes it possible to master speech in a natural way – using an auditory analyzer.

Keyword: auditory-speech rehabilitation, children with hearing impairment, social adaptation.



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