ISSN 2409-7616

N. Berman


Nina D. Berman – Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science Faculty of Computer and Basic Sciences, Pacific State University (Russia, Khabarovsk), ORCID: 0000-0002-3573-048X, E-mail:

Abstract. The modern society of the XXI century is characterized by the creation and introduction of new information and communication technologies. Emerging technical innovations suggest the emergence of new learning technologies. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities of using modern network and mobile technologies to solve actual educational problems. The availability of mobile technologies is constantly increasing, so the urgent task is to rethink the potential of information and communication technologies in relation to education. The use of mobile and network technologies has an impact on the formation of digital competence, students’ information culture. The importance of mobile and network technologies increases as they continue to evolve, their number and types of input tools increase, the level of participation and influence in many areas of activity.

Keywords: information and communication technologies, educational technologies, training, social networks, innovations, mobile technologies, network technologies, mobility.



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