I. Vorobyova, G. Godzhiev
Irina N. Vorobyova – candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer of the department of theory and methods of physical education and sports disciplines, North-Ossetian state university named after K.L. Khetagurov (Russia, Vladikavkaz), E-mail: bekoevamarina@mail.ru
Georgiy T. Godzhiev – senior lecturer of the department of theory and methods of physical education and sports disciplines, North-Ossetian state university named after K.L. Khetagurov (Russia, Vladikavkaz), E-mail: bekoevamarina@mail.ru
Abstract. The methodological support of the pedagogical process of organizing the physical education of students of a special medical group in the conditions of transition to new Federal State Educational Standards Of Higher Education 3++ must be implemented as a specific mechanism by which the teacher of physical education and sports in a modern educational organization implements the actually developed model of training and education and development of students with physical, physiological and somatic their pathologies. Such a model of physical education for students with different health deviations should include special technologies, a methodology for their implementation and working out in the process of physical training and health activities, individualization and differentiation of education, changing the content of basic educational programs for students in this category. As a basis for improving the quality of education, Federal State Educational Standards Of Higher Education 3++ impose on the educational organization, and specifically pedagogical workers, statutory requirements. Complying with the requirements of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the educational organization should not be limited to the results achieved, but improve the correctional and development mechanisms of the educational process as a whole. This contributes to the successful transition to a new educational level, within which all universal and compulsory professional competencies are formed.
Keywords: physical culture, sport, special medical group, physical education of a special medical group, federal state educational standard of higher education 3 ++.
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