L. Putkina, R. Sedov
Lydia V. Putkina – Head of the Department of Informatics and Mathematics, professor, Ph. D., Saint’s Petersburg University of humanities and social science (Russia, St. Petersburg), RSCI SPIN 6000-06-17, E-mail: putkinalv@gmail.com
Roman L. Sedov – Assistant professor of the Department of Informatics and Mathematics, Ph. D., Saint’s Petersburg University of humanities and social science (Russia, St. Petersburg), RSCI SPIN 9789-67-66, E-mail: rsedoff@yandex.ru
Abstract. Applications of mathematical methods and models in the humanities are traditionally limited to mathematical logic and mathematical statistics. In recent years, interest in graph theory has increased due to its successful and multifaceted application in information technology and cybernetics. The article discusses various methods of applying graph theory in modelling conflicts, social phenomena, linguistics and psychology. The purpose of the study is the selection of objects of mathematical modeling in the humanities and the introduction of these objects in the educational process. Among the research methods are distinguished methods of graph theory and system analysis, methods of mathematical modeling of discrete processes. Humanitarian objects are considered formally from the point of view of mathematics. In historical sciences, genealogical trees can be examples of graphs, in the study of texts – the graph of associative connections, in psychology – the theory of classification of psycho-types, in social and human sciences in general – the test tree, in conflictology – the conflict graph. Applied aspects of the study will help to deal with difficult formalizable systems of a humanitarian nature. The graph gives the object simplicity and makes it visual. The results of the study can be used by teachers of mathematics and information technology of humanitarian universities, as well as students when writing graduation qualifying works and master’s theses.
Keywords: information technology, high professional education, grapf theory, probability theory and mathematical statistics, mathematical modelling.
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