A. Ivanov
Alexander V. Ivanov – Professor of the Department of pedagogical, age and social psychology, Institute of psychology, sociology and social relations, Moscow city pedagogical University (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-код: 2422-2873, E-mail: aivanov7@rambler.ru
Abstract. The relevance of the study is due to the interest of the pedagogical community to the problems of education in modern Russian society, the identification of ways of its development. In this regard, this article is aimed at the disclosure of the theoretical foundations and technology of psychological and pedagogical coping infantile adolescents and youth. The leading approaches to the study of this problem are axiological, personality-oriented and activity-oriented approaches that allow to comprehensively consider the problem of assistance to infantile adolescents and young people. The article presents the essence and content of the concept of “coping” and “infantilism” in the psychological and pedagogical literature, the structure of technology, the content of activities and mechanisms of its implementation, identified in the course of empirical research (experiment). The author stands on the position that understanding the relationship of a person not only with the social environment, but also with outer space, the values of energies in human development and managing them with the help of will, awareness of the importance of developing volitional qualities and responsibility in context with other spiritual qualities, mastering relevant methods work, contributes to the successful development of a teenager as a social personality and as a spiritual person in the process of development and self-improvement. The materials of the article are of practical value for researchers of problems of education, students, teachers of schools.
Keywords: opredelenie, technology, infantilism, activities, methods of work.
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