T. Rostovskaya, E. Kozak
Tamara K. Rostovskaya – Doctor of Sociology, professor, Deputy Director of ISPI RAS, Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Organizationwork with youth RSSU (Russia, Moscow), SPIN code: 1129-8400, E-mail: rostovskaya.tamara@mail.ru
Elena M. Kozak – Coordinator of the North Caucasus Federal District Association of Volunteer Centers (Russia, Vladikavkaz), E-mail: kozak@avcrf.ru
Abstract. The authors draw attention to the need to form an effective infrastructure to support the volunteer movement in modern Russian society. Particular emphasis is placed on volunteering resource centers, which are designed to perform the full range of functions for the development of volunteering in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: they inform, engage, train, and support existing and potential volunteers, ensure their interaction with organizations and communities in need of volunteer services socio-economic development. The authors believe that the strategic goal of the resource centers is to increase the level of socio-economic development of the region and the quality of life of the population, which is ensured by the formation of a system of support for volunteering. When planning the development of volunteering in the territory, actual and planned indicators should be taken into account, reflecting the situation and needs in all sectors where volunteer work is applicable, and communication and joint decision-making between the volunteering resource center (as an organization coordinating volunteering in the territory) and regional authorities, commercial, non-profit specialized organizations.
Keywords: volunteering (volunteering), volunteering resource centers, volunteer movement; volunteering support infrastructure, volunteering.
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