ISSN 2409-7616

B.-D. Sokolvyak


Bidiya-Dara Z. Sokolvyak – postgraduate student of the Institute of law and management of the Moscow City University (Russia, Moscow), ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1885-7104, E-mail:

Abstract. The article discusses the conditions for the creation of integrated educational institutions in the form of general educational complexes, which make it possible to satisfy the needs of the population of a certain territory in an appropriate education to the maximum. The essence of their resource potential, as well as the factors affecting it, is analyzed, a description of resources is given. The potential possibilities of optimizing the resources of schools during the creation of general educational complexes by analogy with the processes of mergers and acquisitions in business are revealed. The role and importance of the resource potential in developing strategies for the development of educational complexes are shown. The directions of increasing the efficiency of using the resource potential of these educational organizations are identified. In conclusion, it is concluded that the creation of educational complexes is aimed at optimizing resources and increasing their flow, increasing the attractiveness and competitiveness of educational institutions.

Keywords:  education management, educational complexes, competitiveness, resource potential, effective functioning, education economics.



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