T. Skryl, D. Tutaeva
Tatiana V. Skryl – PhD, associate professor Economic theory department Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-code: 4124-8507, E-mail: skryl.tv@rea.ru
Dinara R. Tutaeva – PhD, associate professor Economic theory department Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-code: 5570-8301, E-mail: tutaeva.dr@rea.ru
Abstract. Relevance of the study. The current situation of interaction of economies in the global market allows to open new opportunities and prospects, but at the same time can be the cause of new threats to the economic security of countries. Each country is trying to take its rightful place in the global market and sanctions are the main tool to achieve this goal. Purpose of work. The authors assessed the competitiveness of the Russian economy in the 5-year period of sanctions imposed by Western countries. The article provides a theoretical review of the concept of sanctions, as well as an analysis of the Russian economy during the sanctions struggle. Results. In conclusion, the authors conclude that the export-oriented strategy of the Russian economy still gives positive results, although the internal structure of the Russian economy has not changed much.
Keywords: sanctions, competitiveness, economic growth, integration, export, import, evaluation, efficiency, investment, oil price, raw material orientation.
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