M. Bekoyeva
Marina I. Bekoyeva – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the chair of pedagogy and psychology North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov (Russia, Vladikavkaz), E-mail: bekoevamarina@mail.ru)
Abstract. The article deals with the use of automatic control systems in the educational space of high school, the relevance of which is due to the current state of development of the information society and the introduction of new educational standards. Depending on the application environment of automated systems, the following types are distinguished: automated control systems; automated information systems; computer-aided design systems; automated control systems for scientific research; automated systems for processing, storing and transmitting information; automated systems of technological development of educational services; automated systems for monitoring and evaluating the quality of services, etc. The main purpose of automated information systems is not only to select, process and store electronic information products, but also to provide access to them for users. One of the main tasks of implementing automated systems is the organization of search for software products in various information arrays. Therefore, they are legally considered to be automated information retrieval systems, the main focus of which is to improve the efficiency of selection, input, processing, storing data in the form of factual, documentary and multimedia products. The author of the thesis is proved in the article that the automated management of information processes in higher education is a means of increasing the productivity of the activities of the faculty. Their active use can significantly reduce the time assignments, optimized processes, launch new formyi means of educational services and training programs. The main advantages of automated control systems include: purposefulness, flexibility; focus on optimizing the processes of self-education, self-development, self-regulation; reliability; harmlessness; stability; compliance with educational standards; dynamism.
Keywords: automated control systems, information and communication technologies, information society, higher education system, vocational training, successful interaction of the user and automated systems.
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