N. Nevskaya
Natalia A. Nevskaya – candidate of economics sciences, associate professor, leading researcher of the department of economic research Institute of Europe of RAS, RSCI SPIN-code: 3745-2541 / ORCID:0000-0002-2344-0549, (Russia, Moscow), E-mail: nnevskaya@gmail.com
Abstract. The subject and purpose of the article. There is research the main directions of the formation of the digital security of the UK economy and the mechanism for its implementation with a system of regulatory acts. The purpose of the article is to review the regulatory impact on the digital sector of the economy based on UK regulatory acts to assess the conditions for applying positive experience in the market conditions of the Russian digital economy.
Methods and methodology. The paper uses a systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis. In particular, the article presents an analysis of regulatory acts governing cyber-threats and state participation in countering threats, presents an analysis of macroeconomic indicators because of the controlling impact on the IT-sector.
Results. The article discusses the system of regulatory acts of the IT-sector in matters of national security, highlights the main areas of countering cyber threats in the UK, and presents the results of supporting the IT-sector and its effectiveness. The paper analyzed the content of the Digital Economy Strategy 2015-2018, 2019 TAG Cyber Security Annual, Interim cyber security science & technology strategy: future-proofing cyber security. It was reviewed the evolution, functions and role of the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC). It is revealed the main results of the economic support of private developers based on a 2018 Tech Nation Report. There was the role of the IT – sector in the dynamics of the UK macroeconomic indicators in the article.
Application area. The paper discusses the system of regulation and support of the IT- sector under modern cyber threats. The main directions of cyber-strategies of counteraction are stated. A particularly important aspect is the formation of a digital architecture when creating a system of smart cities and the emergence of cyber threats in new systems.
Conclusion. The paper discussed areas of effective regulation of digital technologies in the UK economy, the role of international interaction, shows the extent to which IT is spreading in the UK, productivity growth per employee in the digital economy, cooperation and interaction, employment and income growth in the IT-sector. It was presented cyber threats in the main directions of the formation of smart cities of the UK. As part of globalization, successful support experience can be applied in the realities of the domestic economy in shaping the architecture of the digital economy.
Key words: Digital Economy Strategy, Interim cyber security science & technology strategy: future-proofing cyber security, National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), Tech Nation, British Standards Institution, Smart City.
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