ISSN 2409-7616

N. Kolomiytseva


Nadezhda V. Kolomiytseva – Master student of the Faculty of Psychology,  Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow), E-mail:

Annotation. The article presents the results of an empirical study conducted in 2018 among young families in Moscow. The aim of the study is to identify the levels of development of key parameters of psychological compatibility of spouses in young families and selection of methods of optimization. As methods of psychological diagnostics were used: 1) test “marital Satisfaction” V. Stolin, T. Romanova, G. Butenko; 2) methods of “Communication in the family” Yu. e. Aleshina, L. Y. Gozman, E. M. Dubovskoy; 3) methodology “the nature of the interaction of spouses in conflict situations” Aleshina J. E., Gozman L. Ya; 4) test “Energyservices compatibility with marriage partner” Boyko V. V. the Method of cluster analysis identified 3 groups of young families: 1) “psychologically affluent young families” (10 families); 2) the “psychologically dysfunctional young families” (11 families); 3) “psychologically unstable young families” (9 families). the method of correlation analysis of Spearman identified a number of significant trends and patterns: a) the higher the level of energy compatibility with a marriage partner, the higher the quality of intra-family communication in a couple and more active positive-smoothing reaction of spouses in conflict; b) the higher the level of energy compatibility with a marriage partner, the higher the level of satisfaction with marriage and the greater number of children are ready to raise spouses; C) the more active are the positive-smoothing reactions in the conflict, the greater satisfaction with marriage experience husband and wife; d) the higher the quality of intra-family communication (deeper trust and understanding between the spouses, more similarities in views, common family symbols, communication is more easy and psychotherapeutic), the higher the level of satisfaction with the marriage of both spouses.<wbr > as practical methods of work with young spouses of the second and third groups, the methods of a positive approach are proposed.

Keywords: young family, spouses, psychological compatibility, optimization of interpersonal relations



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