E. Mozhelev
Evgeni Mozhelev – Graduate of the faculty of GRTSI0 Russian Plekhanov Economic University (Russia, Moscow); E-mail: mojelev2013@yandex.ru
Annotation. The article shows that the revenue of the football club consists of the following components: revenue on the day of the match (Match Day – sale of tickets, attributes, etc.), revenue from broadcasts (broadcasting rights) and commercial revenue (sponsorship, merchandising, product license). For research and analysis of sponsorship activities in football, the structure of revenue of four football clubs is considered: real Madrid (Spain), Manchester United (England), PSG (France), Besiktas (Turkey). It is concluded that the revenue from the implementation of commercial rights, most of which is sponsorship, is the most significant income item for most professional clubs, regardless of the level of the team and the championship in which it performs.
It is shown that sponsorship can be a kind of football club sales, and techniques and models from the theory of sales can be used to attract sponsors. One of the most effective sales techniques is the “sales funnel”. Based on the analysis of the practice of sponsorship in football, scientific periodicals on the subject, the author offers a model of sponsorship in football.
Keywords: sponsorship, sports, football, football club, sponsorship package, revenue structure, model of organization, sponsorship funnel.
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