ISSN 2409-7616

N. Nevskaya


Natalia A.  Nevskaya – candidate of economics sciences, associate professor, leading researcher  of the department of economic research, Institute of Europe of RAS; RSCI SPIN-code: 3745-2541;  ORCID: 0000-0002-2344-0549; (Russia, Moscow); e-mail:

Abstract. The subject and purpose of the article. There is research the main branch of the economy policy like a system of national and local plans in the Great Britain in the paper. The goal is to consider indicative planning of Great Britain as a concept in order to apply positive experience in the formation and implementation of the state economic planning system in the market conditions of the Russian economy.

Methods and methodology. The paper uses a systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis. The indicative planning is one of the methods of regulating the market economy. The article considers analyze papers of the theory of the national planning in the economic science about market economy system for example national policy of the Great Britain. In the article, we can see the system of indicative planning in The Great Britain legislation: acts, directives and local plans for regulative methods and stimulation of economy growth in the developed market economy. Separately part of the article discussed about some loss and problem of the indicative planning.

Results. The article considers indicative planning in the Great Britain which based in the legislative national, regional and local documents like this Localism Act, 2011, «National Planning Policy Framework, 2012, 2018», «The Plan for Growth, 2011-2014», «Our Plan for Growth: science and innovation».

Application area. Paper consider the system authority branch in the public service for indicative planning in the Great Britain.  The stimulation of economy growth in the planning documents and the mechanism of interests’ coordination for actors of economic relation are analyzed in the paper.

Conclusion. There are three dimensions to sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. At the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking. The paper concludes the main problems of plan-making and key issues for our national strategic plans.

Key words: indicative planning, national planning policy framework of the Great Britain, economy policy, industrial policy, science and innovation plan for growth of the Great Britain.



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