ISSN 2409-7616

L. Mardakhayev


Lev V. Mardakhayev – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and the organization of work with youth Russian State Social University, (Moscow, Russia); E-mail:; ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9654-9246

Annotation. The article reveals the essence of co-being and co-being in upbringing. The essence and content of “co-existing pedagogy” – the art of recording and realizing the educational potential of a co-being in the process of educating a growing person, restraining, stimulating, and correcting educational influence, giving it a qualitatively (crucial) direction, is highlighted and revealed. The formality and informality, constructiveness and destructiveness of co-being in the upbringing of a minor are identified and characterized. The nature of the emergence of co-beingness and its development from destructiveness to constructiveness and vice versa is revealed. Characterized the art of the teacher (the subject of education) in ensuring the directional transformation of destructive co-being into constructive (formal co-being). The manifestation of such art in the educational activities of A.S. Makarenko. The following events have been identified and characterized: incidental meetings of a pupil with a significant adult for him; co-existent meetings of a pupil with peers, elders who influence him; co-existence environment of upbringing, as an environment of life activity, training, rest of pupils; child-adult co-being; co-existent meetings of a pupil with a book, film, the hero of which has a significant impact on him; co-beingness in the directional self-manifestation of the pupil or restraining himself in any self-manifestation.

The pedagogical literature, including “Pedagogical poems” of A.S. Makarenko – author’s perception of life and actions, life events of pupils – former street kids, criminals, as well as the teacher’s reaction to them and its consequences; “Pedagogical reflections” of the Kalabalins – targeted at a specific audience of readers, listeners, and viewers, an analytical presentation of pedagogical situations, reactions to them by the educator and assessment of performance; pedagogical articles – the result of scientific understanding by the teacher, thinker of real practice, experience, and also special studies.

The importance of the formation and development of the art of pedagogical activity of the teacher, the teacher, his ability to feel, understand and influence the co-existence in the life activity of the pupil is noted.

Keywords: education, co-being, co-being in education, situation, educational situation.



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