ISSN 2409-7616

E. Solomatin


Evgeny V. Solomatin – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, (Novosibirsk, Russia), E-mail:

 Annotation. The problem concerning the need for moral and psychological training of beginning teachers of military universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is considered. Based on the results of the analysis of existing ideas about the process of improving the moral and psychological training of novice university teachers, the author believes that in modern science certain approaches to understanding and researching the process of training high school teachers have already taken shape. The improvement and development of a novice teacher in a military college is a multi-stage process of gradually building up his personal, creative and professional potential from individual elements to the system, taking into account all previous life experience. The personality of the teacher is formed on the basis of those attitudes, mental functions and properties, qualities and formations that have developed in a person in the previous period of life. Modern requirements for the moral and psychological training of beginning teachers of military universities are formed on the basis of: the moral and legal provisions of the military oath; military regulations; instructions, orders and instructions of heads and heads of departments of the university, and also take into account: humanistic sociocultural trends and processes of world and Russian reality; modern scientific and methodological, moral, ethical and psychological and pedagogical norms and provisions of civil and military professional higher education. The results of the study showed that the leading role belongs to the systemic and purposeful psychological and pedagogical training of beginning teachers in the first periods of their professional activities. (retraining) while studying in the system of additional postgraduate education. The effectiveness and validity of the developed pedagogical model and the technology of its implementation to improve the moral and psychological training of novice teachers of military universities is provided only by creating the necessary social and pedagogical conditions, including social and moral characteristics of the educational environment of the university, social motivations of teachers, methods and means of the training process that stimulate mechanisms that, in their organic totality, create powerful socio-pedagogically capacity to bring the education system of military high school to a higher quality level.

Keywords: moral and psychological training, Russian officer, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, psychological and pedagogical training, vocational education, technology.



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