ISSN 2409-7616

V. Evseev


Vadim O. Evseev – The doctor of economic sciences, professor Faculties politics and sociology, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia, Moscow), RSCI SPIN-code:3997-1213: E-mail:

Annotation. The article deals with issues related to the development of economic competencies. The aim of the work is to show not only the consistent multi-stage development of competencies, but also their complex structure consisting of the relevant elements and components. Digital economy in the form of computer business games is an integral part of the confirmation of their competencies. The process of analysis and synthesis of actual competences is considered. The concepts of competence and competence, as well as the components of competence: content; interaction; mutual understanding.  The stages and dynamics of competence formation are analyzed. The content of the components of economic competence, which are economic literacy, economic consciousness, economic thinking, economic Outlook, economic behavior, economic interpretation and economic modeling, is revealed. In conclusion, it is stated that the organization of the process of formation of economic competence of students and specialists involves the development of analytical/digital models of economic reality, containing economic competence adequate to the necessary personal and professional qualities of a graduate of a higher educational institution.  

Keywords: economic competence, analysis and synthesis of competences, management of competence development, elements and components of economic competence, stages and dynamics of competence formation, of economic laws.



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