ISSN 2409-7616

A. Tkachenko


Alla V. Tkachenko – Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Russian Customs Academy (Russia, Moscow), E-mail:

Annotation. Questions relating to the problem of forming a culture of interethnic communication among specialists of the customs service of Russia in the conditions of the university are considered. The author stands on the position, which has the following expression: the present problem is of a complex nature, combining many aspects (political, financial, economic, legal, pedagogical, psychological, sociocultural). Solving this problem, requires their mandatory consideration in the training of future specialists in customs in the conditions of university education. An effective solution to this problem presupposes a constant analysis and consideration of the socio-political situation in the world community, those trends that determine its development. Under the current conditions of international cooperation between Russia and the states of the world community, the process of deepening customs integration is taking place, which actualizes the need to identify mechanisms aimed at the formation of a strong foreign policy of Russia, which can be regulated not only by economic means and methods, but also by methods of the socio-cultural format. The essence of the methods of socio-cultural format in the activities of the customs service of the Russian Federation consists in influencing the economic interests of the subject (partner for interaction) of foreign economic activity with the help of a human factor that allows to optimize and activate the processes of the institute of customs business. “Human Factor” is a systemic formation that includes psycho-physiological, socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical qualities and properties inherent in the customs specialist, who manifest themselves in the performance of their professional activities – in interaction (communication) with representatives of another state and another culture.

Key words: customs service, customs specialists, national culture, foreign economic activity, culture of interethnic communication.



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