ISSN 2409-7616

Y. Shimanovskaya, A. Sarychev


Yanna V. Shimanovskaya – candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, deputy dean for educational and methodical work of the Faculty of Social Work, Russian State Social University (Russia. Moscow), Spin-code: 6994-65-79; E-mail:

Alexander S. Sarychev – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Northern State  Medical University (Russia, Arkhangelsk), Spin-code: 5539-10-73; E-mail:

Annotation. The purpose of this study is to study the state of the problem of drug abuse among school-age adolescents in Moscow and to justify proposals for the use of modern technologies of social work in comprehensive prevention of drug addiction among youth. We used a set of methods. A transverse study was carried out. The ratio of adolescents aged 14-17 years (n = 150) to the problem of drug use was assessed using the questionnaire method. The results are obtained, tendencies in the social environment of youth are revealed: the attitude to drugs and drug addiction of minors from 14 to 17 years in the Zelenograd administrative district of Moscow; The results are obtained, tendencies in the social environment of youth are revealed: the attitude to drugs and drug addiction of minors from 14 to 17 years in the Zelenograd administrative district of Moscow; The possible directions and methods of drug dependence prevention with the help of modern technologies of social work are defined. The authors come to the following conclusion: prevention of narcotization among youth from 14 to 17 years is possible using modern technologies of social work, based on the potential of the Internet information network, social networks, Internet messengers. Modern technologies of social work with young people become effective only if they are regularly applied, they fully cover the educational environment and the living space of adolescents.

Keywords: youth, drug addiction, information resources, prevention, social work.



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