ISSN 2409-7616

T. Rostov, S. Gulyaev, N. Rostov


Tamara K. Rostov – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director Institute for Socio-Political Studies of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy and organization of work with the youth of the Russian State Social University (Russia,  Moscow), SPIN: 1129-8400; E-mail:

Svyatoslav B. Gulyaev – Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Researcher Institute of Social and Political Studies Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia,  Moscow), E-mail: sviatoslav2004@mail.r

Natalia A. Rostov, candidate of cultural studies, teacher of English GBOU SOSH № 121 (Russia,  Moscow)

 Annotation.  Abstract: The article deals with the questions concerning the influence of both classical and modern painting on family values ​​in the conditions of modern Russia. The authors disclose such concepts as: “family values”, “clip-art thinking”; trace the historical continuity of family traditional values ​​in Russia, show the role of the family in the well-being of society; analyze the influence of various types of painting on family values ​​in modern Russia; note the connection of modern human values ​​with the perception of painting. The author’s position is expressed: traditional family values ​​are the foundation on which the framework of a close-knit family is built, the kinship relations become strong and indestructible. Members of the related community, fighting for common ideals, get joy from a healthy family, strive for a single goal, become closer to each other. The authors note one general trend existing in modern Russia – painting is actively developing in all Russian regions, provokes genuine interest among the population, influences the formation of the best feelings and qualities of the modern Russian. It is, above all, mutual understanding, respect for the interests and aspirations of each member of his family. Feeling support, a person develops spiritually and rises high in art, achieving great success. They come to the conclusion that in the basis of the values of the modern cell of society, as in past times, love, trust and mutual assistance lie.

Keywords: family, family values, traditional values, family life, fine arts, works of art, young generation.



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