ISSN 2409-7616

R. Litvak


Rimma A. Litvak – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology, Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts  (Chelyabinsk, Russia), E-mail:

Annotation. Questions relating to the socio-cultural development of the personality of the younger generation in the conditions of modern society are considered. The role of social pedagogy in solving many issues of development, upbringing and socialization of the individual is recognized. The process of socio-cultural development of the individual is viewed from the standpoint of individual development of culture, including its social needs and orientation to socio-cultural values, the appropriation of the experience of socio-cultural relations existing in the surrounding world. Therefore, socialization of the individual, the author believes, can be considered as a result of its socio-cultural development, as an introduction of the individual to the norms, meanings and values ​​of the culture of society. In view of the fact that the personality develops in the social environment, which is conditioned by the internal potential realized in the process of activity, therefore, the development of the personality is conditioned by the system of social and cultural values of the environment where the person interacts, builds up and enters into social relations. Thus, we can assume that the socio-cultural aspect of the culturological approach acts as a guiding position aimed at the socio-cultural development of the personality of the younger generation.

Key words: sociocultural environment, personality, social values, social pedagogy, social pedagogue.



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