T.Rostovskaya, Z. Sandzhiev
Tamara K. Rostovskaya – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director Institute for Social Policy Studies of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Organization of Work with Youth of the Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow), E-mail: rostovskaya.tamara@mail.ru
Zungru N. Sandzhiev – Master of Business Administration with youth, Russian state Social University (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: zuka-96@mail.ru
Annotation. The article describes the importance of the young generation for the development of rural areas, its economic, social, social and pedagogical functions for regional potential. The importance of supporting state structures for the creation of various youth projects with a view to developing rural infrastructure is stressed. The authors believe that the main steps to solve problems related to agriculture is the promotion of innovative developments and technological start-ups for young scientists in the field of agro-industrial complex. It is considered that it is also necessary to pay attention to the formation and development of youth entrepreneurship at the rural level, since it can solve certain problems It is concluded that rural youth is a strategic resource for the social and economic development of both the region and the entire state as a whole. Rural youth communities, acting as a subject that transforms social reality through certain behavior strategies (sociocultural norms), can contribute to the achievement of the goals and principles of sustainable development of rural areas in all areas of state social policy. It is concluded that rural youth is a strategic resource for the social and economic development of both the region and the entire state as a whole. Rural youth communities, acting as a subject that transforms social reality through certain behavior strategies (sociocultural norms), can contribute to the achievement of the goals and principles of sustainable development of rural areas in all areas of state social policy.
Key words: Key words: rural youth, entrepreneurial activity, peasant farms, personnel reserve, social and economic development of the region.
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