A. Bykov, N. Plecheva
Anatoly Bykov – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, chief research officer of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Pedagogical Support of Postgraduate Education of the State Security Academy of the Academy of Social Sciences “Academy of Social Management”, (Russia, Moscow), E-mail: akbikov@mail.ru
Nadezhda Plecheva – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Pedagogical Support of Postgraduate Education of the State Security Academy of the Academy of Social Sciences “Academy of Social Management”, (Russia, Moscow), E-mail: ndplecheva@mail.ru
Annotation. The article presents the results of monitoring the application of models of electronic professional development of teachers at the Academy of Social Management (ASOU DPO) and other organizations of higher education in the Moscow region. Classification of models of electronic training in the ratio of distance (e-learning) with full-time training in the realized models of training is given; (e-learning in the form of online courses, e-learning in the form of virtual internship, e-learning in the form of e-practice, integrated e-learning in mixed forms). The statistics of the e-learning models used in ASOU DPO in 2017-2018 are presented. Interpretation of the questionnaires in September-October 2017 was carried out by students who underwent further training at the ASOU DPO and in municipal educational organizations Practical recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of e-learning in the system of additional professional education of ASOU DPO and other higher education organizations are substantiated.и других организаций высшего образования.
Keywords: additional vocational education, advanced training, additional professional program, mixed training, e-learning, distance educational technologies, pedagogical worker, Moscow region.
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