ISSN 2409-7616

V. Bykova


Valentina Bykova – candidate of historical sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Russian state social University, (Russia, Moscow), E-mail:

Annotation.  History of library development of the Kuban is a separate, unique layer of Russian provincial culture. The article presents an objective historical picture of the development of librarianship in the region against the backdrop of historical and sociocultural processes in Russia in the late XIX century. The involvement of the heritage of the regions helps to restore the full history of Russian libraries as a whole and contributes to the solution of problems facing library science and practice at the present stage. A great role in the development of library business in the Kuban was played by patrons, active intellectuals, various educational societies, which aimed to organize leisure, increase literacy, cultural level of the population of the Kuban. Gradually the libraries of the Kuban became centers of active public life of the population.

Key words: the history of librarianship, public libraries, kubanovedenie, culture of Kuban.


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