V. Evseev
Vadim Evseev – the doctor of economic sciences, professor Faculties politics and sociology, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, RSCI SPIN-code: 3997-1213, e-mail: manrus@mail.ru, (Russia, Moscow)
Annotation. The article deals with the issues related to the justification of raising the retirement age. The aim of the work is to prove that only one indicator “increase in life expectancy” can not be the basis for increasing the retirement age. Methods: content analysis, regression analysis, comparative analysis. Result: the indicators of the quality of life of the population, which confirm its low level in retirement age. In conclusion, it is stated that the Government, in order to make a decision on raising the retirement age, should operate with system information on the quality of life, should also involve other factors that increase the annual Fund of working time. It is also concluded that the increase in the pension increase is an extensive way of development with elements of economic valuation.
Keywords: retirement age, indicators of quality of life, economic exploitation, extensive development, pension savings card
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