ISSN 2409-7616

V.Kolesnikov, K. Zhomin


Vladimir  Kolesnikov – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor sports disciplines of the faculty of physical culture Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, (Russia, Novosibirsk), E-mail:

Konstantin Zhomin – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Chair sports disciplines of the faculty of physical culture Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Russia, Novosibirsk), E-mail:

 Annotation. The article reveals the features of education of moral-strong-willed and psychological qualities of athletes. It is noted that sport is an excellent school of education of strong-willed qualities of an athlete, which must be constantly implemented in the process of training sessions and competitions. The authors believe that the education of strong-willed qualities of an athlete must be constantly carried out in the process of training sessions and competitions. The leading role in the organization of this process should belong to the trainer. It is the coach that provides in the educational work the integrated use of all the basic means and methods of education.

Also, an important role in the education of strong-willed qualities and in the training of an athlete is played by self-education and independence in training and participation in competitions. The direction of self-education determines the rules, principles, which guide the athlete in everyday and sports life and which are purposefully formed in his sports life. Excessive care on the part of the trainer leads to negative phenomena in the training of athletes, the formation of their moral and strong-willed and psychological qualities, which are an important component of sports professionalism.

Key words: sport, moral and strong-willed qualities, psychological qualities, sportsmen, sports competitions, upbringing, training sessions, education, upbringing.


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