ISSN 2409-7616

L. Mardakhaev


Lev Mardakhaevdoctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chair of Social Pedagogy and Youth Work Organization, Faculty of Social Work, Russian State Social University (Moscow), Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN- code: 6449-0103, e-mail:

Annotation.  The essence of education is revealed. The manifestation of upbringing by types is distinguished: formal, informal, informal; by means of implementation: authoritarian, traditional, natural, etc., and also in content: spiritual, moral, physical, mental, ecological and given to them a characteristic. The direction of education on the formation of a morally expressed life position, labor and public upbringing is revealed. To disclose the essence of education identified: the situation of development of education of a minor, as a process and as a phenomenon. Internal and external processes are identified and characterized. Isolated co-existent pedagogy in formal and informal manifestation, as well as such phenomena in it as co-existent encounters; co-existent environment of upbringing; co-existent child-adult community and given to them a characteristic. The educational activity of the subject, the reaction of the pupil to this activity (adequacy and inadequacy) and the need to take into account the peculiarity of the society (the educational environment) are characterized. The educational systems are characterized: simple and complex, equilibrium (stable, unstable and indifferent) and nonequilibrium. The essence of the art of pedagogical activity of A.S. Makarenko and his pupil S.A. Calabaline.

Key words: education, situation, the situation of upbringing, the subject of upbringing, the object of education, the environment of upbringing.


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