ISSN 2409-7616

A. Egorychev, A. Kretinin


Alexander Egorychev – doctor of philosophy, professor Russian State Social University, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-code: 2557-4037;  e-mail:

Alexander  Kretinin – chairman of the board, general director of the  «Center for Innovation technologies and social expertise», SPIN-code: 8090-6270; (Russia, Moscow), e-mail:

Annotation. The material of the article reflects the results of many years of research concerning the role of spirituality in the development of the Russian world, the formation of the Russian state and society. The received results of research have shown, that “Russian spirituality” it in many respects is obliged to orthodox culture. Traditions of Russian Orthodoxy, its meanings and values, had a huge impact on the process of the formation of Russian culture, the consciousness and worldview of ordinary workers of a great power. The meaning that is put into the concept of “spirituality” in the space of the Russian world, reflects the centuries-old traditions of the Orthodox religion. To a larger extent, the basis of the concept sought is derived from the concept of “spirit” and “soul”, their meaning and essence. The historical spiritual and moral potential of the culture of the Russian world contains a sociocultural resource of a high level of spirituality that was formed by the efforts of the fathers of the Russian church, her companions and statesmen who had done a great job in uncovering the beauty of the Orthodox religion, showed an example of a righteous spiritual life for a Russian person, the path to a righteous world and the search for spiritual harmony in the earthly world. We can say that the constant “spirituality” has forever entered the socio-cultural archetype of the Russian (Russian) man, has become an important component in his organization of the existential world, the upbringing of the younger generation (children, adolescents and youth).

Key words: Russia, Russian state and society, spirituality, spiritual and moral culture, spiritual life, Russian culture.


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