ISSN 2409-7616

R. Dimuhametov, N. Sokolova, E. Kharlanov, E. Stolbova


Rifkat Dimuhametov – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, South Ural State Humanities and Pedagogical University, (Russia, Chelyabinsk), E-mail:

Nadezhda Sokolova – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, South Ural State Humanities and Pedagogical University, (Russia, Chelyabinsk), E-mail:

Elena Kharlanov – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, South Ural State Humanities and Pedagogical University, (Russia, Chelyabinsk), E-mail:

Elena Stolbova – candidate of pedagogical sciences, art. teacher South Ural State Humanities and Pedagogical University, (Russia, Chelyabinsk), E-mail:

 Annotation. The article reveals the experience of implementing scientific and methodological support for the primary branches of the Russian schoolchildren’s movement in the Chelyabinsk region, including the work of a scientific and methodological seminar, the development and testing of educational programs, and the holding of a regional forum for the Russian language school. Presented are both achievements and actual tasks of scientific and methodological support of the RWS, as a priority – the development of the concept of the development of the RWS in the region. Ideas are presented, which, according to the authors, can be used as a basis for the development of this concept. The saturation of the affairs of the RDS with romance, play, creativity is one of the most essential conditions for correcting social shortcomings. Principal attention, in all likelihood, should be turned to the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the RHD, such as: personality, collective, activity, relations, organization, primary collective, all-school collective, children’s self-government, etc.

Key words: Russian schoolchildren’s movement, concept, object of the concept, strategic and tactical goals of the concept, tasks and principles of the concept, scientific and methodological support, children’s association, deviant behavior, professional crime, normative grounds, theory of the children’s and youth movement, learn to live together, learn to learn, work, live, scientific and methodological support, facilitation, facilitation management, the goal of innovation.


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