ISSN 2409-7616

A. Egorychev, A. Tkachenko


Alexander Egorychev- doctor of philosophy , professor Russian State Social University, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-код: 2557-4037;  e-mail:

Alla Tkachenko – postgraduate student of Social and family pedagogy  department of Russian state social University, Moscow, Senior teacher of the department of the foreign languages, Russian customs academy, (Russia, Moscow), E-mail:

Annotation.  The authors consider issues related to the development of Russia. It is believed that the basis of development should be the legacy of the national culture, its meanings and values. The historical heritage of Russian culture and civilization is, first of all, the language of the people, its cultural traditions, the Orthodox religion, those most important components that determine the identity of Russia. History has shown that the more fundamentally the basis of spiritual culture has the Russian national community, the more difficult it is for destructive forces to move this society from the true path of development, to subject it to destruction. It is the national meanings and values that determine the stability of Russia’s social development, the success of the organization of the life of each person, its successful development, socialization and self-realization. The authors came to the conclusion that the preservation of national spiritual and moral values and values, their transfer from generation to generation, today is a priority task of the Russian state, all of its social institutions and structures.

Key words: Russian culture, traditional meanings and values, modern Russia, the Russian world, the Russian people, the national idea.


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