E. Gureeva
Elena Gureeva – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Department, Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov, (Russia Moscow), RINZ SPIN-code: 7256-2159, e-mail: vshsti@list.ru
Abstract. In modern economic conditions created under the influence of a global change in foreign policy factors and the imposition of sanctions on Russia, there was a need to develop an internal market for sports events. The purpose of the study was to identify regions of the Russian Federation that, with the least investment, could become key points in the growth of the Russian sports events market. Methods: The study is based on the analysis of official data of state bodies statistically on the main indicators affecting the development of the sports events market. Results: the study revealed that, despite the fact that sports events have a positive impact on the development of the region in such indicators as improving the image, preserving cultural and historical traditions and increasing the tourist attractiveness of the region, it is necessary to observe the conditions for minimizing the costs of creating both sporting and the general infrastructure of the region. The conclusion is the rating of the regions most suitable for the development of the territorial market of sports events. According to the results of the research, the author offers recommendations on using the potential of sports competitions as a catalyst for the development of domestic tourism and the formation of territorial branding.
Keywords: sport, efficiency, state, market, sporting events, region, tourism.
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